From a roll of 35mm
/A few weeks back my mom gave me her Canon EOS 650D SLR (35mm film) bought back in ‘88. Had a blast going through the first roll (Fuji Superia 400) and realizing the challenges in shooting non-digital. I shot a few rolls during a b/w photo class I took in college, but I was no where near as invested in photography as I am today. Takes a whole lot more patience and focus for what you’re shooting for sure. After every shot I looked at the back of the camera. You know to review on the … oh wait there’s no LCD there! Being that this was one of the first Canon cameras with AF, I was able to not only use the original kit lens (35-105mm f/3.5-5.6) but also my current EF glass as well.
All that considered, paired with seeing the good & bad come back in printed form, It’s a lot of fun! Finally get why people like to shoot film so much for hobby/pleasure. Could see myself doing this more & more. Also look forward to trying some diff. film rolls, or as i call them VSCO edits since this is the OG, haha!
The first 4 images were shot with my 50mm f/1.2 here in Southern California. The other 6 (shot with the old 35-105mm kit lens) are from a recent work trip to Gold Coast, Australia.
These were 4X6 prints, scanned in at 600dpi. There was no post processing on these at all. Raw look/colors straight out of the camera/film roll.